That evening we had a fondue for a change and retired to bed in the Hotel Post, a stalwart from previous expeditions. We were even recognised by the owners and stayed in the same room (No. 13!)
We ran along the northern side of the Inn Valley, passing Landeck at 9,500' in much better conditions than the day before. In all directions there were cu-nims in the distance but the Arlberg and Engadin were clear of any showers (for now).
Aero-towing from Innsbruck, an awkward mix of gliders and jets
The Engadine (Inn Valley), St Moritz is in the far distance
Just North of Landeck in good conditions
This morning was different to all those previous, in that we woke to find ourselves in cloud! This took some time to burn off and it was gone half past one before we launched onto the Seefeld Plateau.
There were reasonable thermals to 8,000', marked by plenty of cumulus. As usual, the clouds were showing a tendency towards overdevelopment and showers were breaking out to the East.
We had covered another 135Km, measured by Great Circle, flying just over 200Km in total. Although not a great distance on paper, we had taken maximum advantage of a gap in the weather and successfully relocated to Switzerland. (We had decided not to return to Innsbruck, even if it meant landing out.) Given the weather we awoke to, it felt good to have achieved this much.
Turning south near the Arlberg Pass we crossed over the resort of Ischgl, then into the Upper Inn Valley. Further to the SW the cumulus became smaller until disappearing entirely 20Km from Samedan. We could see this was being caused by a shield of medium/high cloud blocking off the sun over a large part of the Italian and Swiss Alps.
We worked our way slowly towards St. Moritz, keeping over the sunnier ridges to the East. We amused ourselves on the lower slopes of Mt. Bernina and were finally restricted to the local ridge around the corner from the airfield. Encroaching showers and overcast spelt the end of the journey for the day and we touched down at Samedan at twenty past five.
The last ridge before the Engadine with Ischgl below
Samedan, at 5600' asl, the highest civil airfield in Europe
Mt Bernina in the distance ahead