Euro 2000 Gliding Expedition

31st July 2000 - Monflorite to Cerdanya along the high Pyrenees

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Flight trace (.igc)

Duo soaring over the Pico de Aneto, highest point on the Pyrenees.


A subtle drop in pressure today permitted the mountain thermals to be seen and produce excellent lift. The Sierra Guara proved difficult to soar and were rather unpredictable. A nervous 15 minutes followed our decision to go for it with only mountain fields as bolt-holes. However the first major ridge (Pena Montanesa) into the Pyrenees produced a good 6 kt. average. The sky ahead looked good and provided a series of dramatic thermals and views. Best climb: 15.1 kts average to 12,500 ft. Speed Monflorite to Mont Louis 127 kph. YM met up with the gliders over the Sierra de Cadi (see gallery picture).

13 chasing the Duo along the ridge of the Sierra de Cadi, West of Cerdanya.



Reaching the ridge of the Pena de Montanesa.

13: 5:55 (RM+PC) 310km

LGC: 4:55 (ED+TS) 310km

YM: 1:55 (DS)

Sat Pic at 1600 shows the development over the Pyrenees that gave us such an exceptional day.
